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在VBA中从IEEE-754 double中提取尾数,指数和符号数据


如何从VBA中的IEEE-754 64位(双)浮点数中提取尾数,指数和符号数据?谢谢

Edit (约翰科尔曼评论之后) . 在发布原始问题之前,我已经四处寻找解决方案,并且只能找到如何在C中执行此操作(例如,使用具有位字段的结构) . 无法运行(即AND,OR,NOT,XOR),但这似乎没有给出预期的结果 . 例如,以单精度IEEE 32位浮点表示的1表示为

0 01111111 00000000000000000000000

其中第一位用于符号,接下来的8位用于(偏置)指数,最后23位用于尾数 . 将NOT应用于1应返回

1 10000000 11111111111111111111111


1 10000000 00000000000000000000000

x = Not 1!
Debug.Print x

我没有看到在我的OP中发布这一点 .

3 回答

  • 1

    我想我已经找到了这样做的方法 . 以下函数 DoubleToBin 返回64位的字符串,表示IEEE-754双浮点数 . 它使用VBA "trick"来传递原始数据而不使用API例程(例如MemCopy(RtlMoveMemory)),将 LSet 与相同大小的用户定义类型组合在一起 . 一旦我们有了位串,我们就可以从中提取所有组件 .

    Type TDouble
      Value As Double
    End Type
    Type TArray
      Value(1 To 8) As Byte
    End Type
    Function DoubleToArray(DPFloat As Double) As Variant
      Dim A As TDouble
      Dim B As TArray
      A.Value = DPFloat 
      LSet B = A
      DoubleToArray = B.Value
    End Function
    Function DoubleToBin(DPFloat As Double) As String
      Dim ByteArray() As Byte
      Dim BitString As String
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim j As Integer
      ByteArray = DoubleToArray(DPFloat)
      For i = 8 To 1 Step -1
        j = 2 ^ 7
        Do While j >= 1
          If (ByteArray(i) And j) = 0 Then
            BitString = BitString & "0"
            BitString = BitString & "1"
          End If
          j = j \ 2
      Next i
      DoubleToBin = BitString
    End Function

    它是如何在这里工作的 - 我现在接受我自己的答案吗?

  • 0

    这是对Confounded的优秀答案的修改 . 我修改了它们的函数,使用内置函数 Hex 而不是逐位运算来获得位模式,使它能够灵活地处理单精度和双精度,并以十六进制的形式返回结果(默认)或二进制:

    Type TDouble
      Value As Double
    End Type
    Type TSingle
      Value As Single
    End Type
    Type DArray
      Value(1 To 8) As Byte
    End Type
    Type SArray
      Value(1 To 4) As Byte
    End Type
    Function DoubleToArray(DPFloat As Double) As Variant
      Dim A As TDouble
      Dim B As DArray
      A.Value = DPFloat
      LSet B = A
      DoubleToArray = B.Value
    End Function
    Function SingleToArray(SPFloat As Single) As Variant
      Dim A As TSingle
      Dim B As SArray
      A.Value = SPFloat
      LSet B = A
      SingleToArray = B.Value
    End Function
    Function HexToBin(hDigit As String) As String
        Select Case hDigit
            Case "0": HexToBin = "0000"
            Case "1": HexToBin = "0001"
            Case "2": HexToBin = "0010"
            Case "3": HexToBin = "0011"
            Case "4": HexToBin = "0100"
            Case "5": HexToBin = "0101"
            Case "6": HexToBin = "0110"
            Case "7": HexToBin = "0111"
            Case "8": HexToBin = "1000"
            Case "9": HexToBin = "1001"
            Case "A": HexToBin = "1010"
            Case "B": HexToBin = "1011"
            Case "C": HexToBin = "1100"
            Case "D": HexToBin = "1101"
            Case "E": HexToBin = "1110"
            Case "F": HexToBin = "1111"
        End Select
    End Function
    Function ByteToString(B As Byte, Optional FullBinary As Boolean = False)
        Dim BitString As String
        BitString = Hex(B)
        If Len(BitString) < 2 Then BitString = "0" & BitString
        If FullBinary Then
            BitString = HexToBin(Mid(BitString, 1, 1)) & HexToBin(Mid(BitString, 2, 1))
        End If
        ByteToString = BitString
    End Function
    Function FloatToBits(float As Variant, Optional FullBinary As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim ByteArray() As Byte
        Dim BitString As String
        Dim i As Integer, n As Integer
        Dim x As Double, y As Single
        If TypeName(float) = "Double" Then
            n = 8
            x = float
            ByteArray = DoubleToArray(x)
        ElseIf TypeName(float) = "Single" Then
            n = 4
            y = float
            ByteArray = SingleToArray(y)
            FloatToBits = "Error!"
            Exit Function
        End If
        For i = n To 1 Step -1
            BitString = BitString & ByteToString(ByteArray(i), FullBinary)
        Next i
        FloatToBits = BitString
    End Function


    Sub test()
        Dim x As Single, y As Double
        x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi()
        y = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi()
        Debug.Print FloatToBits(x)
        Debug.Print FloatToBits(x, True)
        Debug.Print FloatToBits(y)
        Debug.Print FloatToBits(y, True)
    End Sub



    当我将400921FB54442D18送入this在线工具时,我得到了3.141592653589793,这很有道理 .



    最终的地方与Excel VBA中浮点数的优秀文章中的示例不同 . 两个版本都是10.4(到很多很多地方) . 我不太清楚该怎么做的差异 .

  • 3


    VBA按位运算符设计用于处理整数或长数据 . 考虑以下:

    Sub test()
        Dim x As Single, y As Single
        x = 1#
        y = Not x
        Debug.Print y
        Debug.Print TypeName(Not x)
    End Sub



    第一个输出线是观察到的怪异 . 第二行是对这种古怪的解释 . 显然, x 在被送入 Not 之前被转换为很久 . 有趣的是,以下C程序也打印-2:

    int main(void){
        int x,y;
        x = 1;
        y = ~x;
        return 0;

    (gcc在我的机器上使用32位整数,因此这里的 int 相当于VBA中的 Long

    应该可以获得你想要的东西,但是按位运算符不是你想要的 .
