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这个问题与我的previous question有关,所以我将在这里添加几乎相同的代码 .

Ease.bezier = function(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
    return _bezier.processBezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2);

var _bezier = Ease.bezier.prototype;

_bezier.processBezier = function (mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
   return _bezier.render; // this is where I need the `this`, mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2 to be passed into the next function

_bezier.render = function(aX){ //the aX value here comes from another object
    var mX1 = [bound function attributes[1]]; // I think you can understand what I mean here
    if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2) return aX;

    if (aX === 0) return 0;
    if (aX === 1) return 1; 
    return _bezier.computeBezier(_bezier.gx(aX), mY1, mY2);     

现在我需要知道是否可以以某种方式绑定这两个函数,而不会影响来自另一个对象的 aX 值,并且可以访问第一个函数中的 thismX1, mY1, mX2, mY2 参数 .


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  • 2


    _bezier.processBezier = function (mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
      return _bezier.render.bind(this, arguments); // <--- bind all the arguments and the context "this"
    _bezier.render = function(){ // <--- aX is not required anymore instead use arguments object
      var args = arguments[0]; // <--- this corresponds to [mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2]
      var aX = arguments[1]; // <--- this corresponds to aX now
      if (args[0] === args[1] && args[2] === args[3]) return aX; // <--- notice args object here
      if (aX === 0) return 0;
      if (aX === 1) return 1; 
      return _bezier.computeBezier(_bezier.gx(aX), mY1, mY2);     
